Saturday, 2 July 2016

Design (Iteration 3)

Personas: Ms Wong is a 10 years experience lecturer that working at Sunway University.
Scenarios: On a Monday morning, Ms Wong sits down in front of computer with a cup of coffee. She has prepared a list of topic and decided to upload to elearn. Then, she opens up eLearn in her browser, and wanted to upload a few final year project topics to the elearn platform. She sign in to the elearn by entering username and password. Then, she selects the ‘capstone project 1 & 2’ to access to main page of the subject folder. She selects ‘manage topic’ from the left menu bar. A list of topic will be shown but it is empty because she does not have any yet. Hence, she clicks the ‘upload’ button at the lower right. A window will shows up to enter the project details. She is required to enter all the details. After finish filling up the details, she clicks ‘OK’. Then, topic lists table will be updated immediately for all students to view and choose. However, she may tick the topic and click edit if she wished to edit the details of topic. She can also click on delete to remove the topic from the list.

After a few days, Ms Wong checks back at the portal to view the status of her topics whether they are being selected by any student or not. She clicks on the ‘manage topic’ on the left menu bar to check the status of the uploaded topic. A window that contains a table shows up that included the topic title and status of the topics that she has uploaded. She observes that the first topic of her upload shows ‘Unavailable’. She checks her email notification, it is informed that the topic is taken by a student named Alice. Ms Wong may click on topic requests to decide whether she wants to accept Alice’s request. Besides, Alice has sent her email to schedule a meeting. If Ms Wong accept Alice’s request, then she replies the email to Alice to make confirmation of the meeting. If not she can delete the request, and the status of topic will be updated and showing available for all the student.

Action sequence (lecturer side’s portal):
  1. Login
  1. Enter username and password
  2. Click login button
  1. Select subject capstone project 1 and 2
  1. Click on the link access to subject main page
  1. Manage topic
  1. Click on the manage topics link on the left menu item
  2. Click on the upload button and enter details of the topic and click OK
  3. May tick a topic and click edit the topic details
  4. The list of the topic will  be updated
  5. May click delete to remove the topic from the list
  1. Selected topic
  1. Click on the link on the left menu bar
  2. The topic will shown with the student’s name
  1. Topic Request
  1. Click on the link at the left menu bar
  2. Tick the topic to accept or delete request
  1. Email
  1. Click on the link on the top of the menu bar
  2. The notification of the email from student will be displayed
  3. Click reply to send an email

The lecturer may delete the topic if they uploaded wrongly. In addition, the lecturer wants to have to choice to accept all the pending request, a link to this window is added to the previous design in Iteration 2 file. If the lecturer click on select the topic and accept request, the status of the selected topic the student side’s portal will update to ‘taken’ rather than ‘pending request’. Meanwhile they delete the request, the topic will be available to all the student to view and select.

Persona: Eddie is a year 3 computing students that currently studying at Sunway University. He's taking the subject capstone project 1 & 2.

Scenario: At the beginning of the semester, Eddie has enrolled himself into the capstone project 1&2 subject and required to select a topic from the elearn platform. Therefore, Eddie went to the IT learning lab to find a computer and sit down. He enters his username and password and click the login button to access the elearn platform. He clicks on the subject to access the main page of the subject. He needs to select ‘list of topics’ from the left menu bar. A list of topics that is available will be shown, he can make selection by tick the checkbox and click ‘request’. Another alternative is that Eddie may click ‘topic request’ to propose a topic to the lecturer. A success message on the request will be shown. After he clicked on ‘OK’, the status of his selected topic will appear on the next page. Then, he proceeds to send an email to the lecturer for time slot booking. He requires to enter an email subject and pick a preferred time slot, along with his message. A message will be shown after this to notify him that his email has been sent. If Eddie presses ‘back’, he will go to an email sent item page. If not he can choose to logout of the elearn.

Action sequence (student side’s portal):
  1. Login
  1. Enter username and password
  2. Click login button
  1. Select subject
  1. Click on the capstone project 1 & 2 on the my course menu bar
  1. Select topic
  1. Click on the list of topic on the left menu bar
  2. A list of topic will be shown
  3. Pick a preferred topic and click request
  4. Successful message displayed on the next page and click ‘OK’
  5. The status of the selected topic will appear on the next page
  1. Request topic
  1. Click on the link on the left menu bar
  2. Enter the topic and student details
  3. Click ‘request’
  1. Email
  1. Click ‘send email’
  2. Enter email title, select time slot and message
  3. Click ‘send’
  4. The successful message of the sent email will be shown
  5. Click ‘back’ to proceed to email sent items or click ‘logout’

Because the status column is unclear to users, therefore, it is changed from ‘taken’ to ‘pending approval’ once student has selected the topic. While it is waiting for lecturer’s approval, the topic will still show in the list, but it cannot be selected. Only when the topic has been approved by lecturer will be removed from the list.

Heuristics Evaluation
Nielsen’s heuristics
Problem details
Problem severity Rating*
  1. Visibility of system status
  • The system should always keep users informed about what is going on, through appropriate feedback within reasonable time.
Wong: Students will receive successful message once the request email is sent out to the lecturer. Same goes to lecturer.

Vyvyan: The lecturer will receive a successful message to inform them the topic is being upload. In addition, the message will also be shown after the lecturer respond to the request topic. While the student will receive the message once they request for a topic and email to the lecturer.

Saaqib: The systems informs users if users misses any fields when requestng or uploading a topic
Wong: 0

Vyvyan: 1

2. Match between system and real world
  • The system should speak the users' language, with words, phrases and concepts familiar to the user, rather than system-oriented terms. Follow real-world conventions, making information appear in a natural and logical order.
Wong: The language used could be easily understood by users since there are no system-oriented language used.

Vyvyan: The language or acronym that used in this portal is understandable by both lecture and students, therefore, they should know how to work on the system.

Saaqib: The information provided throughout the system is relevant and understandable to both users. Language is kept simple and precise.
Wong: 0

Vyvyan: 0

3. User control and freedom
  • Users often choose system functions by mistake and will need a clearly marked "emergency exit" to leave the unwanted state without having to go through an extended dialogue. Support undo and redo.
Wong: In students’ side of the portal, user cannot deselect the topic that he/she has chosen. While for lecturer side, it is good that he/she is able to exit immediately from the upload window. Lecturer is able to edit the details of uploaded topics, to approve or not approve requests from students.

Vyvyan: In the lecturer’s side portal, they are able to edit the topic details and delete the topic that uploaded wrongly. In the student’s side portal, they are not able to undo their request once they click on the button. If they wish to exit the pop up window while enter the topic details, they may click on the X button at the top-right corner.

Saaqib: The lecturer has various functions to choose while uploading or editing the topics. Also the lecturer can accept or delete  it .
Wong: 1

Vyvyan: 1

4. Consistency and standards
  • Follow platform conventions.
Wong: It is consistent because the action buttons are always placed at the bottom right.

Vyvyan:The placement of the button is consistent where place at the right bottom corner. There is also exit button at each of the pop-up windows at the top-right corner.

Saaqib: The interface for both lecture and students are kept simple, buttons are places on the left and right panel, visible to users.
Wong: 0

Vyvyan: 0

5. Error prevention
  • Design to prevent problem from occurring in the first place. Either eliminate error-prone conditions or check for them and present users with a confirmation option before they commit to the action.
Wong: Required field must be filled in both student and lecturer side. If not, error message will be generated and they cannot proceed to next step.

Vyvyan: There is a hint to inform the lecturer and student which field should not left blank sending an email. However, no hint is given to ensure that all the field should not be empty while the student is entering the information of the topic to be proposed to the lecturer.

Saaqib:Student will receive an error message while the topic request is not sent to the lecturers at first place.
Wong: 1

Vyvyan: 1

Saaqib: 0
6. Recognition rather than recall
  • Minimize the user's memory load by making objects, actions, and options visible. Make instructions visible or easily retrievable.
Wong: Important actions are easy to access and identify. Lecturer is able to select manage topic from sidebar. Students are able to find the topics through the link created in sidebar.

Vyvyan: The users should not have problem using the portal as all the features are clearly labeled on each page of the portal.

Saaqib: The users do not have to remember new username and password to login in this system. They can use elearns password  and username
Wong: 0

Vyvyan: 0

7. Flexibility and efficiency of use
  • Allow users to tailor frequent actions. Cater system to both experienced and inexperienced user.
Wong: For lecturer, all the folders and links are customizable. Lecturer can control the visibility of the folders and links as well. All the folders and links are placed at left panel, and action buttons are placed at bottom right. It shows consistency.

Vyvyan: The logout button may be difficult to be seen by the users as it small in size and the pop-up windows on the portal is unable to close using the Windows’ shortcut command.    

Saaqib : Each web page shows the same layout, only the functionality/content window changes. This maintains the user's attentions and eventually keeps the system efficient

Wong: 0

Vyvyan: 1

Saaqib: 0
8. Aesthetic and minimalist design
  • Allow users to tailor frequent actions. Cater system to both experienced and inexperienced user.
Wong: The design of the plugin is kept to minimal, with only important features and buttons are included. Extra steps to view topic availability in lecturer side is removed.

Vyvyan: The design of the email interface helps the user to automatically assign the email address to make it more convenient to the user.

Saaqib: The student are provided with list of lecturers to choose from while performing the function of topic request to specific lecturer.
Wong: 0

Vyvyan: 0

9. Help users recognize, diagnose, recover from errors
  • Express error message in plain language, precisely indicating the problem and constructively suggest a solution
Wong: Help center is included. Error message appears when it detects a field is empty while lecturer uploads a topic. Same goes to student, error message is generated when required field is not filled.

Vyvyan: In the lecturer side’s portal, error message will be shown to notify the lecturer if the field is empty when they upload a topic. In the student side’s portal, the email system has inform the user regarding the required field with an asterisk.

Saaqib: The error messages are precisely notified when the user misses any fields while performing operations.
Wong: 1

Vyvyan: 1

10. Help and documentation
  • Provide help and documentation even is the system is easy to use. Information should be easy to search, focused on the user's task, list concrete steps to be carried out, and not be too large.
Wong: User can inquire if they have any doubts regarding the usage or problem of the system by clicking the green information button.

Vyvyan: There is a help button on the top-right corner where the user can search for help if they facing any issue regarding the system.

Saaqib: The help button helps users to overcome with difficulties while accessing the system with video tutorials and documentation
Wong: 0

Vyvyan: 0


* Problem severity Rating
0: I don’t agree that this is a usability problem at all
1: Cosmetic problem only (need not to be fixed unless extra time is available)
2: Minor usability problem (fixing has low priority)
3: Major usability problem (important to fix)
4: Usability catastrophe (must be fixed before product can be released)

Heuristic Evaluation Analysis
From the heuristic evaluation above, there are only some minor problems that have been pointed out by the group members. One of the errors is that the error message is not generated in the topic request field in student side when he/she is filling in the details. Therefore, student can send even an empty details with only title to the lecturer. Also, the logout button is hard to see because of its size. It should be more obvious. These changes will only be included in the future implementations.

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